Learning to Maximize Marketing on Social Media During Social Distancing

Wasting Time with Advertising and Marketing on Facebook and LinkedIn

How to Maximize Marketing Time on LinkedIn and Facebook

Marketing and advertising during the Coronavirus has open lead generation doors for companies. However, many are wasting time on these platforms. They have never learned how to maximize their time and learn the secrets and back-doors. Many think a post from the profile and the business page is enough. It’s much more complicated than that.

This is even more true for related sales and service organizations. Social media advertising is not for fun. It’s much different than being on these platforms for fun. There are specific goals and tools needed that companies must learn to be effective and not waste valuable company time.

Outreach and sales are not immobilized while in quarantine. What should these employees be doing if they can’t be on the road? This article will provide some solutions for your sales force during this business shutdown. It will look at;

  • How to effectively use social media now and after the pandemic?
  • How to use LinkedIn during the Coronavirus?
  • How to maximize Facebook organic marketing?
  • Why is it an excellent time to start SEO?

Using Social Media for Drug Rehab Marketing and Advertising

Navigating Social Media Marketing and Advertising for business

Everyone thinks social media marketing is easy. They do not understand the platform and what maximizes time and gets in front of the target audience. The second problem is they are short-sighted. They are expecting immediate results. However, organic social media marketing pays bigger dividends than pay per click.

Consider this, a company puts a social media strategy in place after getting trained on what needs to be done. They have one individual run this program. If they are paying that individual let’s say $35,000 a year, they would probably need about three admits or clients to break even in a 12 month period. I guarantee that you will get more than three clients in a 12 month period if you effectively use social media.

It’s funny, almost every drug rehab marketing agency says they do social media drug rehab marketing. They will half ass build the LinkedIn and Facebook business profile. They then resort to posting a few post on the business page. Then they run Facebook paid ads off a landing page. They do nothing organically and once you stop paying Facebook your lead generation possibilities are shut off. This falls in line with the expectations of the industry that has traditionally relied on Google Ad Words and PPC.

Behavioral Health Network Resources spends a ton of time on social media with Facebook and LinkedIn for drug rehab SEO and marketing. We have over 60 groups with over 210,000 members.

While other advertising agencies were using one liners and paid Facebook marketing for their so-called social media marketing, we were doing it.

With the completion of the Google March update it paid off more than we could have imagined. The update gives SEO juice for social media activity.

Understanding the platforms is critical to success. Consider this, Facebook in 2018 did an algorithm change and said they will no longer serve as many of the business posts. However, they will continue to serve the posts from personal pages and groups. So, this means focusing on the business page posts is just spinning your wheels. As a matter of fact, if a person does not manually change their preferences it won’t get served.

Utilizing LinkedIn for Outreach and Sales

Stop Wasting Drug Rehab Marketing Time on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has always been the most underutilized drug rehab marketing avenue in the addiction treatment industry. This is surprising considering it’s the only place for two key target audiences. For treatment centers it has the private clinicians, EAP providers, hospitals, and many more key resources. For the sales and service organizations it has the CEO’s Executives and key decision makers for all the treatment centers and sober livings.

Behavioral Health Network Resources started in 2014 solely based on LinkedIn. We learned how to use level one connections for drug rehab marketing. We took the time to learn all the secrets, tricks and back-doors to using it. It is not as simple as everyone thinks and it has many unrealized advantages.

  • Connect with your target audience as a level one connection
  • Corral target audience in groups
  • Get your Pulse posts read by the target audience
  • LinkedIn email has a 90% open rate. However, you cannot spam this.
  • An endless supply of drug rehab SEO back-links from a highly rated website by Google.

Drug Rehab SEO Professionals Help in Marketing

Behavioral Health Network Resources is the leader in our industry on LinkedIn with drug rehab SEO and marketing. We have a combined total of 35,000 addiction and behavioral health level one connections. We own 12 addiction and behavioral health groups with over 50,000 members. This has been one of the keys to our success because we can drip our message to our target audience. If you remember from above, a sales landing page is ineffective. Successful advertising in 2020 is keeping your content in front of your target audience, addressing their pain point and not directly selling to them.

We have learned many secrets and tricks that no others have found. We have mastered how to get LinkedIn profiles to show up on page one of Google. Try and Google;

  • drug rehab marketing agency
  • drug rehab marketing consultants
  • drug rehab marketing

These are all key search terms for the target marketing of an agency in our industry.

Key Areas of Drug Rehab Marketing

There are several key areas that drug rehab marketing, sales, and outreach should be focusing on while the social distancing is going on. Some of those include;

  • Complete profile to All-Star level
  • SEO personal profile
  • Input the 3 main SEO url back-link areas
  • utilize tagline by inputting long-tail keyword
  • Do Pulse posts with hot linked back-links
  • Complete and SEO business profile
  • Add links to business website with pics and descriptions that show up on their LinkedIn profile with pics.
  • Upload media and back-link urls in job description area
  • Add projects with key words for SEO and url link to website
  • Add publications with long-tail keywords for SEO and link url to website

Now is the time to get you employees educated on drug rehab marketing. Understanding drug rehab SEO and the latest web advertising strategies is key. They definitely at least need to know how to use and maximize LinkedIn. Over 99% of the addiction and behavioral health industry are not doing the above. They are just posting, and incorrectly posting I might add, and hove no idea how to maximize this platform.

Addiction treatment centers like IOP drug rehabs La Jolla are starting the correctly educate on substance abuse. This is because they are producing better addiction treatment blogs that rank on page one of Google. If you would like to have your staff trained on LinkedIn, we have one more consulting and training slot left for an organization. You can contact our CEO, Charles Davis at 561–235–6195.

Common Drug Rehab Marketing Mistakes Being Made on Facebook

Learn How to Maximize Time with Advertising and Marketing

Behavioral Health Network Resources controls about 40 Facebook groups on a daily basis. These groups have more than 150,000 members. Some of the posts that are attempted are shocking. Unlike other groups that just let any post through, we must approve every post. If they are poor or of no value to our audience, they never see the light of day.

90% of addiction treatment centers and sales/service organizations need to learn how to use social media.

With that being said, organic marketing on Facebook provides to lowest cost per acquisition than any advertising method. This goes for addiction treatment centers, sober homes, sales organizations, and service companies. That doesn’t mean that Facebook paid marketing doesn’t work. It can work if you have an experienced Facebook PPC specialist. However, once you stop paying Facebook, your marketing valve gets shut off. When doing organic drug rehab marketing you are gaining electronic assists that are yours forever.

When we perform our 90-day drug rehab SEO and social media marketing package we grow LinkedIn and Facebook for our clients. They get instantly tapped into our audience of 150,000 on Facebook and 50,000 on LinkedIn.

Sales and Service Organizations Need to Build their Social Media

Sales and Service Companies Need to Use LinkedIn and Facebook for Marketing and Advertising

As a sales and service organization many in our industry solely rely on “boots on the ground”. Besides that they will attend a few select addiction conferences. This is the extent of the advertising. The biggest area they are missing is LinkedIn for sure. This is where they can find their target audience. However, they do not know a lot of the ways above to maximize LinkedIn.

They need to be building level one connections with CEO’s, Executives and Directors. They need to do pulse posts and re-share them 3 times a day. These posts need to be much better than their companies blog posts.

Those posts are all about the company they work for, they are not about attracting and engaging the target audience.

You need content that hits their pain point and provides a solution, all the while not being salesy.

Another thing they need to be doing is posting the attracting and engaging content in related groups. These groups for CEO, Executives, and Directors can reach at least 500,000 in their target audience

Why the Coronavirus Opened the Door to Drug Rehab SEO?

Get Drug Rehab SEO from Social Media

Drug rehab SEO or any SEO is a big pill for many centers, sales organizations and service companies to swallow. when companies like drug rehabs West Palm Beach come to the table for SEO you know there was something happening. Not only do they have problems with advertising strategies they have to deal with patient brokering. Educating on an intensive outpatient addiction treatment center during the Corona virus has become a priority.

It’s a long-term strategy in an industry that wants short-term solutions. Since the google March update with social media getting SEO juice it’s a great time for search engine optimization.

We all agree that social media is a key advertising component during the social distancing. The outreach and sale staffs are all working from home. The “boots on the ground” strategy is extremely difficult during this time. It’s an optimal time to learn and maximize social media. Done correctly while doing this you will get SEO with it.

Behavioral Health Network Resources is the only marketing company that provides social media training with our 90-day drug rehab SEO package. That’s because we are the only agency that truly does organic social media marketing. Heck, we started our agency on it, and now dominate LinkedIn and Facebook.

It’s Time to Maximize Social Media Marketing

Maximize time on LinkedIn and Facebook.

The Coronavirus has opened a door for social media drug rehab SEO marketing and advertising in all industries. We are seeing it every day. There has been a huge surge of virtual meetings like Zoom. We are seeing people trying to post in our 60 groups that have never posted before.

LinkedIn and Facebook profiles are poorly built at best. The posts are of poor content and affect the brand. Let’s face it social media marketing for business is not social. It has a specific audience and a specific result that is trying to be achieved. This will not be done with a landing page and paid advertising. Having well thought out blog posts and distributing them through the many different ways on each platform to get read is key. Here are the top 10 actionable things you can do to stop wasting time on LinkedIn and social media.

  • Individual posts
  • Pulse posts
  • Business posts
  • Groups posts
  • Posts to friends only or level one connections only
  • When and why to re-share posts
  • Complete and SEO business profiles (There are many hidden and secret areas.)
  • Complete and SEO personal profiles (There are many hidden and secret areas.)
  • Using LinkedIn email (remember 90% open rate). Never to mass mailings!
  • Using Facebook Messenger

This is just a short list of some of the important things to do. If your realizes the important of maximizing time on social media and getting to your target audience give us a call. We understand social media for business in our and have led by example. Give us a call today at 561–235–6195 for LinkedIn trialing or our drug rehab SEO 90-day package that includes social media. Start maximizing your employees time while they are working from home.



Charles Davis Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO

Drug Rehab Marketing | Drug Rehab SEO — CEO at a leading advertising agency. 95 % of centers are making critical errors with their SEO and website. AdWords, PPC